A Bun-In-The-Oven baby Shower...


It’s a chilly fall day here in Los Angeles, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to post some pictures of a cozy baby shower I helped throw earlier this year! My friend Ashley was due with a little baby last February, and we needed to figure out a gender-neutral shower theme since she was waiting until the birth to find out if she was having a boy or a girl. (BTW, I fully voted for girl & she ended up with a boy. Annnnd that was the day I finally accepted that I’m really not psychic.)

We went with a bun-in-the-oven theme and a red & teal color palette, which was her inspiration color palette for the nursery. Leslie Sarna did the food, including the adorable polka-dot cinnamon-bun cupcakes!

Random Tip: It’s a challenge to host a color-themed shower in a home that’s already heavily decorated, because the decorations always seem to be swallowed up by the rest of the room. I try to use the existing architecture of the room to set up vignettes like a dessert station or the gift-opening chair, and concentrate on decorating those areas since they will be the most heavily photographed. (PS: Isn’t Ashley adorable??)

When the guests arrived, we had everyone write words of wisdom on little cards and pin them to a red & white gingham apron that Ashley got to take home with her after the shower (it had a matching ruffled pot holder, what what…)  Hi, Britt!

Leslie’s gorgeous veggie-friendly fall quinoa salad…


Sticking with our baking theme, we sent everyone home with cookies, a spatula and a hand-written recipe card for some of the amazing desserts served at the shower!

The A-Team: Autumn, Ashley & Ashley, all pregnant with little boys… Finn, Will & Rhys. Ummm, we’re probably raising a future rock band.  Or… a ping-pong team?  Or whatever…

I found this adorable onesie on Etsy (where else?) and it perfectly captured our theme!  Here’s Ashley’s super-cutie-pie Rhys wearing it after he came out of the oven…

Hope you enjoyed!! Stay warm & cozy today if you’re in Los Angeles! xoxo


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